Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Internship Update + New Concepts!

Staying busy this week with work and portfolio stuff, I'm about to finish the first 2 shots for my internship and the original story for the ninja heist project was changed up a little bit so I did a couple quick sketches for the storyboard I'm working on over the rest of this week.

I will post the final images of the Hipposterous shots asap as well as the line art images my instructor provided for my next couple shots! And stay connected because I'll hopefully post a full animatic of the ninja heist project around the beginning of next week!

Monday, July 21, 2014

My Facebook Page + Ninjas

Hey guys so I set up a facebook page of my art for everyone there to see. (I'm trying to branch it out so likes and letting some friends know woulds be so greatful!) 

Check it out!

NINJAS! Thats the next theme for my current team production class. My first initial idea was an opening for a show but the class helped elaborate it into a heist series opening.  Below are a couple bits I've worked on this week and be sure to check back for more!

Keep your eyes peeled for more stuff to come these next few weeks!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Hipposterous Internship: Week 1

(Shots in Progress from "Hipposterous")

Hey guys! I began work on my internship today with John Hill on his Masters thesis. I and another student are painting backgrounds for the production so within the next couple days, you should see both of these finished as well as more that I'll be working on for the next few weeks! I just thought I would show my progress after the first day. Prepare for more!!

Be sure to check out John Hills website/blog for this production for updates on the overall project!! 

Monday, July 14, 2014